Artificial intelligence is “colliding” with our world Where some see danger, others see opportunity A sci-fi classic can help to illustrate the point One of…
Germany is headed for yet another Energiewende This one might be even more disastrous Will Britain follow a similar (misguided) course? The economy is in…
Following the science that changes We’re all Anabaptists now What’ll be the next climate change catastrophe? (And pass his knowledge on to you too.) Leaders around…
Widespread EU “pitchfork” protests continued this week The far right is surging in the polls The EU is on course to become ungovernable Although scarcely…
The ugly truth about the Republican nomination Will lawfare help or hinder Trump? No Covid-era accountability in sight Nigel Farage is fully defrosted and back…
Are frozen Russian foreign reserves being dangled as a carrot to lure Ukraine to the negotiating table? Does dollar “weaponisation” threaten the US currency’s global…
Multiple geopolitical trends are converging There could be huge financial market implications Investors need to be aware and to prepare (And pass his knowledge on…
Free-money-inflated political promises Inflation and higher interest rates have popped big government Elections in 2024 will be fought over what’s affordable 2022 will be remembered…
Populism is on the rise globally Some claim this threatens democracy But does history really bear that out? Former Prime Minister Churchill once famously quipped…