Nickolai Hubble

Nickolai Hubble

Can Japan survive without monetary life support?

25 March 2024
One month ago, I moved to Japan. We plan to stay about a year. The idea is to keep the kids bi-lingual. I managed to rope my Dad into joining us for a week. We needed his help on the flights. The middle child is a bit of a handful, especially on a plane. I like to say that if she had been born when I was, we’d have lost the Cold War. But we managed to keep her busy. It only took the combined efforts of everyone on the plane though…

How to invest in a perverted stock market

13 March 2024
Now that you know how the rich are abusing the stock market to their advantage, and what it means for our economy, it’s time to figure out what we can do about it. But first, I’d like to add one last way in which stock markets have been undermined.

Rise of the Boardroom Soviets

12 March 2024
Yesterday we exposed how private equity and venture capital are front running you in the stockmarket. The 1% are using stockmarket listings as an exit strategy. They list their private companies to sell out of their exclusive gotten gains. This differs markedly from a stockmarket’s true purpose: to raise capital for companies trying to expand.

Access Denied: sucking out the stock market’s soul

11 March 2024
Do you remember the days when people would speak about the stock market instead of bitcoin? Water cooler conversations featured BP and BT instead of bitcoin and Ethereum. At family barbeques people would whisper to each other about small caps from the uncharted waters outside the FTSE 100 they’d “taken a punt” on.

How much longer can the housing crisis last?

8 March 2024
Having a two-party system gives the political class a hidden power. They can collectively decide which political issues are genuinely up for debate… and which are not to be mentioned. The housing crisis is certainly not for discussion. Even if it is the giant woolly mammoth in the room.