**Urgent message for all readers**

For the first time in two years, we’re holding a gold investing event. Forces are building pressure under the price of the precious yellow metal: debt drama in the US, banking system instability, rumours of a blow-up in the EU, and the USD under attack from all corners. Eoin Treacy – who timed (and traded) the last two gold bull markets to perfection – has flown in to our London studio, to reveal his gold stock attack plan. The event is free to attend. Eoin will share why he believes gold could break past $4,000 – and how to play that epic potential price surge. To register for Gold Run ’23 – click here.

Capital at risk. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.

The whole point of Brexit was to diverge from the EU – to dump their defunct laws and make the UK economy competitive with new laws. But this week, that dream died.

Instead, we have a government hell bent on sabotaging the economy to try and cut carbon emissions, whatever the cost.

The only good news comes on the cryptocurrency front. The UK may actually be on the verge of a successful regulatory divergence in how it treats crypto investments.

Find out how from Nigel Farage, in this video

(Your browser might be blocking you from seeing this video. Please visit cookie settings and enable cookies to see the video on this site, or click here to watch it on YouTube.)

And if you’d like to hear from Nigel and other guests more often and more conveniently, why not sign up to the Fortune & Freedom podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or Google Podcasts?

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom