Financial Independence The truth about property prices person Nickolai Hubble schedule 9 November 2021
The City When you have eliminated all which is impossible, you get inflation person Nickolai Hubble schedule 8 November 2021
EU Is the EU illegal? person Nickolai Hubble schedule 5 November 2021 While bond markets around the world wobble, the very foundations of the EU do too. And those foundations might not be on very legal ground.…
EU How much inflation will the Germans put up with? person Nickolai Hubble schedule 4 November 2021 It pains me to say it, but it’s time to start worrying about Germany again. I’m a German of sorts. Our latest plan to dominate…
The City Did the bond market crash just begin, down under? person Nickolai Hubble schedule 3 November 2021 Most investors don’t pay attention to the bond market, despite the fact that it’s much larger than the stock market. That’s not to mention that…