Inflation is roaring ahead of expectations. But that’s not the most important part of the latest inflation surprise…

Governments are collapsing across Europe. But it’s not European governments that you should be worried about…

Perhaps Europe could rescue itself from its own energy crisis by reversing sanctions on Russia. But that wouldn’t resolve the true underlying problem…

The markets have crashed. But the crisis they’re pricing in is yet to kick off…

Charlie Morris is the best investor I know. And, in this video, he unravels the many mysteries of the markets right now, using his Money Map as a guide.

To find out where we are on Charlie Morris’ Money Map, and what to invest in according to the map, click below:

(Your browser might be blocking you from seeing this video. Please visit cookie settings and enable cookies to see the video on this site, or click here to watch it on YouTube.)

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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom