Labour is taking the low road, and the Conservatives the high road, but they’re both taking us back to the 70s.

Strikes, inflation, price controls, interest rate hikes, government spending, energy price shocks, goods shortages, an attempt to align with Europe, state interventionism and plenty more that’ll be familiar to a good chunk of the Fortune & Freedom audience.

Unfortunately, housing supply and affordability is not comparable to the 70s, even if Labour has announced some ambitious home-building targets.

And, back then, cash was king, giving every user anonymity, privacy and freedom in their financial affairs. Which may not be the plan of the Bank of England today.

Of course, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) may just be another government intervention brought in under the guise of addressing climate change. Some of the others are even more concerning.

These are the stories I asked Nigel Farage about this week…

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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom