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Energy crisis, or opportunity?

8 October 2021
While the energy crisis rages and spreads around the world, savvy investors are pondering a different problem. How can we make money from the mess? In this video, I ask Nigel Farage a simple question. Yet it’s one that has so much baggage…

Simon Popple explains our commodity chaos

6 October 2021
If you’ve spent the last few weeks wondering what on earth has happened in commodity and energy markets to cause all this chaos, today’s video is for you. I invited the most knowledgeable and experienced commodity investor I know to explain what’s going on, and what happens next.

Are you addicted to QE?

13 August 2021
Is the Bank of England addicted to QE? Or did the pot call the kettle black? The UK’s exports to the EU have surged well above pre-referendum and pre-Brexit averages. What does it mean for UK politics going forward if Project Fear is vanquished?

Is the pandemic over?

30 July 2021
Freedom Day has come and gone. But Covid-19 cases plunged instead of surging as predicted. Is the pandemic over? Have we reached the magic threshold?

Freedom in name only

16 July 2021
Freedom Day draws near. But you might as well call it FRINO – freedom in name only. Nigel Farage isn’t convinced that the updated measures will amount to much of an improvement. Nor that our partial restoration of basic freedoms will last for long.

Australia, wages and inflation

18 June 2021
There was no doubt about our topic for this Week in Review. While the G7 dithered and dallied, the UK trade deal with Australia was settled. Adonis told us it’d be impossible. Clegg said it couldn’t be done. Nigel argued it’d be a matter of course.

Green gold?

17 June 2021
Going green can be a bottom-up order instead of a top-down order, meaning that it reflects the decisions and preferences of each of us as individuals instead of the schemes of a few politicians and lobbyists. And that change is happening in the gold industry right now.