• The Conservative Party Conference was full of hot air
• The Bank of England turns lukewarm on Brexit
• The Republican Party adds to the political chaos in the US

Just when the UK’s economic news was looking up, the political news begins to disappoint…

The Conservative Party Conference was full of bluster, but not much real change on the policies that matter.

Nothing there for entrepreneurship or small business. Nothing on immigration. Nothing on making the most of Brexit.

However, over at the Bank of England, they must be getting nervous about their public image. They’re so unpopular that they’ve come out in support of Brexit… sort of.

But perhaps the biggest news has come out of the US, where the Republican Party has introduced a new front in the political chaos engulfing the US.

Nigel Farage reckons it’s an extraordinarily chaotic and confusing time in politics.

But our host for this week, John Butler, the investment director of Fortune & Freedom’s publishing company, points out that financial markets are not far behind when it comes to uncertainty.

He has, however, figured out a way to make the most of the opportunities this creates. A way to combine top-down analysis like what you’ll see in this week’s video with precise and actionable investment ideas that are put together into a portfolio designed to position your wealth for whatever John sees coming.

Check it out here.

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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom