• Should we vote Nigel out of the jungle?
  • The immigration debate goes wild
  • Gold is back above $2,000, but why?

And to discover how you could harness the power of artificial intelligence in your investment decisions, with the help of Sam Volkering, click here.

It’s been a busy week in politics and the financial markets. The immigration debate being the dominant story in a long list of countries around the world. Funnily enough, that’s just what Nigel Farage predicted when I first met him in 2020.

We also talked about investing in gold, which is now back above $2,000. But why?

How ironic that Nigel is off gallivanting around the Australian jungle while his predictions are coming true. Should we vote him out to get him back where he belongs?

Find out from our tech expert, Sam Volkering, in this week’s review…

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Kind regards,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom