• The man who wrote the book on net zero, literally
  • How the energy transition threatens the environment
  • The extraordinary story of how they hoodwinked us into net zero

Ross Clark is the author of the book Not Zero, How an Irrational Target Will Impoverish You, Help China (and Won’t Even Save the Planet), as well as many newspaper articles on the topic. He’s also been on GB News with Nigel Farage to discuss net zero and other energy policies several times.

His book untangles the policies that’ll supposedly deliver net zero and why he believes they won’t succeed, but it also digs into the unique effects and circumstances of the UK’s specific net zero campaign – that’s why I invited him for this interview.

You’ll find out how the legally binding goal wasn’t voted on by our members of parliament, how the UK only appears to be making progress on cutting emissions and why net zero will be so difficult for us to reach as a nation.

In the interview, and the book, Ross does a wonderful job of exposing just how comical the energy transition is and will have to get if it persists in its attempt to reach net zero. But, once again, things take a dystopian turn, with Ross pointing out how net zero is already beginning to misshape the world around us.

Tomorrow, we release the interview with the man who started it all. A committed climate change believer who conducted a careful and thorough scientific study of net zero and discovered… we’re going to need a different plan.

But for now, here’s Ross Clark on how net zero threatens the UK and the environment…

I’m sure that, like me, you couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief at some of Ross’ revelations. But don’t let that feeling lure you into a state of inaction. Net zero could be both a threat and an opportunity for your financial position. We are talking about possibly the biggest change to the UK economy, perhaps ever. Is your wealth ready for it?

Kind regards,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom