I want to thank you for letting me take over this publication all week.

I hope you’ve at least come to realise that I’m not messing about when I say what’s coming with the bitcoin halving and the potential for another massive crypto bull run to be a real game changer.

In fact, before I really get into the nitty gritty of it all on Monday, which you really need to keep an eye on your inbox for, I want to just take ten more minutes of your time to show you what I mean when I say that we’ve been here before and I think it’ll play out the same again.

I know it’s the weekend and you’re probably doing something a lot more fun than listening to me again, but it’ll take just ten minutes – and then you can get back to it.

Click on the image below to see what I’m talking about. Have a great weekend, and remember, keep an eye out on Monday for more about what I’m calling the Crypto Eclipse and what action you can take to maximise the opportunity that’s about to scream through the markets.

Thanks again,

Sam Volkering
Contributing Editor, Fortune & Freedom