Nickolai Hubble

Nickolai Hubble

Five reasons why Britain will boom after Brexit

12 December 2020
Britain’s Great Wealth Revival approaches… I can’t wait. And I hope you are excited to watch it too. If you are keen to step beyond insight and opinion… to start receiving regular, actionable investment recommendations in your hands… you will not want to miss it...

What is risk?

10 December 2020
As we prepare for the kick-off of Monday’s exciting event… The release of Nigel’s exclusive online broadcast, Britain’s Great Wealth Revival… I’d like to ask…

Goosing the debt

2 December 2020
What happens when governments control prices? Some of you might remember the answer, having learned it the hard way. Government price controls create either shortages…

Even I haven’t seen it yet…

27 November 2020
Nigel Farage, our cryptocurrency and bitcoin expert Sam Volkering, and your questions about bitcoin. All inside our recording studio. We turned on the cameras. And you can watch what happened next…

The Easter Bunny is a better bet

20 November 2020
What were the most important news stories this week? And what does Nigel Farage think is really behind them? I asked him whether I’d get a new prime minister for Christmas...