Our energy expert James Allen reckons the European gas shortage crisis that has captured the media’s attention can’t even be called a storm in a teacup.
Until inflation broke out in 2021, the biggest mystery facing investors was why it hadn’t surged in the years before then. It wasn’t for want of trying.
Was net zero just another government programme? Destined to be abandoned and forgotten long before it could even fail. History is littered with examples…
A series of booms and busts in hydrogen stocks have made and lost investors a lot of money. But hydrogen as a fuel always seems to remain just out of reach.
The news is full of predictions of blackouts. That’s true across all the world media I follow each day. Critics have seen this coming for a very long time.
Not many financial panics play out in slow motion. Especially when they involve banks and pension funds. But the vast losses on bonds that caused both persist.
2024 was the year it became politically acceptable to doubt net zero. But what will replace renewable energy now that we’ve stopped pretending it’s viable?
Our compilation of the best Fortune & Freedom articles of 2024 continues with a rather nerve-wracking experience we had in August. A live video that had our compliance team sweating buckets as we went to air…
The winter of 406-407 was bitterly cold across Europe. The Rhine froze over, enabling hordes to make their way across the river, and into the Roman empire.
Europe is in outright political chaos. But perhaps this just heralds change for the better? Is it time for investors to get optimistic about our future?
Sweden and Norway pursued sensible energy policy. Unfortunately, they hooked their grid up to Germany and the UK. Now they’re paying the price, literally.
Inflation is accelerating again. But is it really back to play a major role? In this video, John Butler and Nick Hubble discuss both sides of the debate.
President Trump had better watch his back. The same elite group of puppet masters that controlled financial markets for decades have diversified into politics.
It’s the time of year to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions… and why they’ll fail. It’s no different for investing. What will 2025 bring?
Financial markets have always controlled governments. Just ask Liz Truss or Matteo Salvini how. And in 2025, the stock market may sink President Trump.