Another week with Nigel Farage’s de-banking story topping the UK’s news feed. But this time, events have taken to a new arena – the stock market.

£850m has been wiped off NatWest’s value as it faces the potential for a fine that could run into the hundreds of millions of pounds. Who would’ve thought that political discrimination pays so badly?

But what if this symptom belies a bigger cause – that of corporate powerbrokers enforcing woke ideology at the expense of their shareholders? Then investors have got a bigger problem that extends well beyond banking to worry about. It’s a topic Nigel and I are covering in our upcoming issue of The Fleet Street Letter

The UK government has taken Nigel’s side on the drama. But what does he think of their world leading interest expense on the government’s debt? That’s right, our Treasury spends a greater share of its revenue on interest than any other developed country’s government. It’s enough to get a prime minister fired, you might say…

But are interest rate hikes finally finished after the latest hike from the US’ Federal Reserve?

Find out in this week’s news in review, with Nigel Farage…

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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom