In today’s issue:

  • Renewables don’t offer energy security
  • We are on the cusp of a submarine energy war
  • Subsea energy security is about to become big business

Renewable energy is often lauded for its energy security. No more dependence on Russian gas or Middle Eastern oil. Not to mention the terrorist-infested shipping lanes in between.

Renewables allow us to produce our own power on our own soil. At last, we’ll achieve energy independence!

Never mind where the solar panels and wind turbines actually come from, of course…

Nor how reliant renewables are on shifting power around between electricity grids. What if the French decide they need their nuclear capacity for themselves one cloudy windless day?

But there’s a vulnerability that isn’t top of the news feed… yet.

Renewable energy systems rely on subsea power cables that move electricity around nations, across oceans, or even between entire continents.

Didn’t the sabotage of Nord Stream 2 prove that to be a rather dangerous idea?

Subsea energy security is about to become a big deal…

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Until next time,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom