In today’s issue:

  • Inflation is rising, again
  • It won’t be a repeat of 2022
  • Why inflation could surge or moderate in 2025

Inflation is accelerating again. But is it really back to play a major role?

In this video, investment director John Butler and your editor Nick Hubble discuss both sides of the debate.

On the one hand, the velocity of money is unlikely to surge again as it did in 2021 and 2022. So inflation would need a different trigger in 2025, if a resurgence is on the cards.

But it is clear why inflation should surge again: the government needs it. Inflation is the easiest way to raise taxes and devalue debt.

And Labour’s policy of raising public sector wages certainly has some nasty inflationary historical precedents.

To find out whether you need to worry about another bout of inflation in 2025, watch this video…

And to find out more about how you could side step inflation following the rising trend of AI and crypto without investing in a single cryptocurrency, click here.

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Until next time,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom