Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are back with a vengeance. And you won’t win any awards for guessing why…
The banking crisis has reminded us just how fragile the banking system is. All it takes is a loss of confidence… but what else can you use?
Instead of dodgy mortgages, this time around, it’s government finances themselves that are causing the banking panic. What might be a safe alternative to a financial system built on sovereign debt as its foundations?
Central banks have added just the tailwind cryptocurrencies needed: a global financial crackdown in the form of controllable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) – the polar opposite to decentralised cryptocurrencies.
And geopolitical tensions are rising, reminding us all that our rules-based financial order has our financial system functioning under American dominance. But can the EU challenge that dominance?
Find out, from Nigel Farage…
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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom
PS Note from the publisher: On the subject of CBDCs, Nigel has more to say on that right here. If you have ANY money in a British bank account, you need to know how it works. That’s why he’s sending you this urgent video bulletin to get you up to speed.