In today’s issue:

  • The hydrogen bubble was popped by cost
  • A niche industrial market remains possible
  • What will trigger the next hydrogen bubble?

For as long as I can remember, the world has always been on the cusp of a hydrogen economy.

An entire series of booms and busts in hydrogen stocks have made and lost investors a lot of money. But hydrogen as a mainstream fuel always seems to remain just out of reach.

But where do things stand today?

Is it time to get back into the hydrogen trend? Are we on the cusp of real change?

James Allen has helped his subscribers profit from past hydrogen cycles. He’s always got one eye on this niche sector of the market. And so I caught up with him to find out what’s going on and whether investors should position themselves for the next hydrogen bubble… or even the real thing?

If you enjoy this video, be sure to check out this report on nuclear power too.

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Until next time,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom