In today’s issue:
- Welcome back to… we don’t know what
- Prime ministers are always broken by a straw
- Net zero, the Laffer Curve and isolated ideology
We hope you’ve had a good holiday break. Regular service resumes for Fortune & Freedom starting tomorrow. Presuming the production and editorial team have taken to their desks as you’re reading this.
Which begs the question what we should share with you today.
It’s no easy task to figure out a month in advance what might be relevant. But here’s an intriguing thought…
A lot can happen in a month of politics. And Labour are having a rough time as I write this.
But what could be their undoing? Every prime minister was brought down by a straw that broke their back. Cabinet ministers made specific mistakes that forced them to resign. And world events can catch out anyone in denial.
These moments have collectively become known as the “Liz Truss Moment”. They’re named after the bond market crash after the infamous mini budget.
So, what could be Labour’s Liz Truss Moment?
Back in August we gave a few possible contenders for what the straw might look like…
Net zero could become so unpopular that its untenable, and the Labour government along with it.
The chancellor seems to be slipping down the wrong side of the Laffer Curve. Her higher taxes might actually raise less revenue, making the black hole bigger.
And sticking out like a sore thumb on the international stage as most countries’ governments shift to the right while the UK goes to the left could be very embarrassing.
By the time you get this, who knows what Labour’s fate will have been. But at least we’re on the record if something does occur over the holidays.
Did we get it right? Find out, here.
Until next time,
Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom
PS Looking to kick start your investments in the right direction this year? My colleague John Butler is walking you through why he believes gold could soon hit $10,000 – and what you can buy now to give yourself a shot at making a fortune from the gold boom. Click here for more details.
Capital at risk.