In today’s issue:

  • Renewable energy is wreaking havoc on our electricity grid
  • The economic costs are growing too large to ignore
  • The energy transition’s dirty little secret will be exposed

How often have dirty little secrets triggered crashes on the stock market?

The dodgy habits of American sub-prime lenders…

The questionable accounting of Enron…

The liability-driven investments of British pension funds…

The illiquid investments of Neil Woodford’s fund…

The blood tests offered by Theranos…

And so on and so forth…

Well, today we offer up the next big scandal to kick the stock market in the teeth. Investors who presumed they were being told the truth, and relied on the information in their investment decisions, are in for a truly shocking surprise…

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There’s another not-so-happy surprise that could be on the way too, one that could affect your wealth – but we’re exposing it right now for our readers so you can be prepared. You can find out more over here.

Until next time,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom