In today’s issue:

  • Ahead of the general election, a warning has just landed across my desk: the next Prime Minister isn’t even on the ballet paper
  • According to the warning, a “Shadow Prime Minister” is preparing policies that could devastate your savings
  • Learn what to do to prepare yourself ahead of the election

In a December 2023 issue of Fortune & Freedom, I predicted a global renaissance in nuclear power, writing, “the market for uranium is catching fire.”

In it, I noted that governments around the world were suddenly bending over backward to accommodate uranium mining companies and speed up their production.

I pointed to the US government’s strange reluctance to label a military coup in Niger for what it was until months after the fact – and, even then, to exempt US development banks looking at financing projects there from sanctions.

In the months since, governments around the world have proven over and over again that they’re determined to ramp up their nuclear power capabilities once more.

Just consider that, just last Tuesday, the US Senate voted overwhelmingly (88-2) to approve a bill, the ADVANCE Act, which makes it easier, cheaper, and faster to build new nuclear reactors.

It’s the biggest clean energy package since the Inflation Reduction Act—which passed by the skin of its teeth, 50/50, with US vice president Kamala Harris breaking the tie.

By contrast, this was passed with veto-proof majority – proof that support for nuclear energy is bipartisan and unstoppable.

In March, Canada’s energy minister announced plans to expedite approval of new nuclear energy projects, while, in France, president Emmanuel Macron wants to commission 14 new nuclear reactors.

Even Japan, 13 years after the Fukushima disaster, is set to push for more nuclear power to meet clean energy targets.

Back in Europe, Rolls Royce recently got Poland’s backing to drive forward on the country’s first-ever nuclear power plant plan.

My colleague Nick Hubble also saw the renaissance of nuclear energy a mile away. He recommended two stocks to play it – including Rolls Royce:

Source: Koyfin

And on 27 June, he goes live with a new warning…

Of course, the rise of nuclear energy has proven once again that governments aren’t shy about picking winners and losers.

But, according to Nick, what most Britons don’t know is that the new government won’t have the final say in the UK’s energy policies – or any other policies, for the matter.

That’s because, Nick says, a “Shadow Prime Minister” will call the shots—and should the next official prime minister cross him, he’ll be fired as easily as Liz Truss was.

According to Nick, this “Shadow Prime Minister” wants one thing above all else, regardless of who wins the election.

In recent times, Nick says, we’ve seen many examples of this person’s desires, including around Truss’ calamity mini-budget and, in the energy markets, some of the “government’s” decisions regarding North Sea oil and gas production.

From this viewpoint, Labour’s plans to effectively reduce supply in the North Sea make for fresh consideration over the true motives at play, certainly.

This is certainly all food for thought, what with the general election now just 10 days away.

Nick’s view may seem outlandish to many people, but so did his earlier warnings about imminent inflation in July 2020, or a bond market catastrophe in 2022 – the worst year for bonds in history, according to Forbes.

Now I don’t agree with Nick about everything, certainly not about clean energy and our direction towards Net Zero.

But, as his readers of the Fleet Street Letter will know, Nick also has an uncanny ability to be proven right.

Could he be right again? Don’t miss his free event, “Election Upset 2024” in which he reveals why our next PM won’t be Starmer… or Sunak… but instead, someone even worse.

In fact, Nick says the next de facto Prime Minister is preparing policies that could devastate your savings unless you take a few simple financial steps today.

And what’s more, they could come into effect just weeks after our next Prime Minister is confirmed.

To learn how to prepare yourself, I suggest you tune in to Nick’s “Election Upset 2024” event.

Stay tuned for details.

Until next time,

James Allen
Contributing Editor, Fortune & Freedom