- The uranium bull market foretold
- Eric on the US, China and the EU
- Voldemort at the Met Gala
Editor’s note: Today, we bring you a guest piece by Sam Volkering from his publication AI Collision which was first published on 9 May.
You can hear from Sam more often at AI Collision and learn more about the latest developments in AI by simply clicking here to sign up for free on Substack.
Welcome to AI Collision ,
Back in February I wrote to you about the immense energy needs that our AI future will need.
I explained I believe there’s only one answer to the future of our energy needs – nuclear.
The reason I’m bringing this all up again is because I decided to upload an interview I did in March 2023 with the CEO of Sprott Asset Management, John Ciampaglia.
I recently got in touch with John again because I wanted to do another interview with him on the uranium and nuclear markets as well as the copper market.
That’s because Sprott has exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that cover a range of miners in both the uranium and copper markets. So it only made sense that as I’ve been closely covering both of those areas here at AI Collision I get him on a call again to speak about it.
We’re currently arranging the time and date. But that will be here exclusively at AI Collision in the coming weeks so be sure to keep an eye out for that.
But in the meantime, I wanted to share with you my interview with him from last year. We had kept this behind the paywall at Southbank Investment Research as this is the kind of thing that we’d usually give exclusive access to our paid subscribers first. But as time has passed and with new interviews with John coming up that you will get first and exclusive access to as AI Collision subscribers I thought I’d put it on YouTube and give you a chance to see what we said about the market a bit over a year ago.
You can view that in full here.
AI gone wild 
The US is two to three years ahead of China.
China is laser-focused on being dominant.
Europe? Nah, too busy regulating to be relevant.
Those are pretty strong words. But they’re not mine.
They’re Eric Schmidt’s, as in Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google. So yeah, he knows a thing or two about AI and where the industry stands in relation to global competitiveness.
I think the best thing is to see for yourself what he had to say about it all in this 11-minute clip from Bloomberg Technology (it’s worth a watch in its entirety, but within the first couple of minutes you’ll see just where he sees the US, China and Europe).
Again, regulation can be useful, but as Europe is perfectly demonstrating, it is a massive handbrake on growth most of the time.
Will it ever change? I don’t know.
But this is why most of the AI stocks we cover are based out of the US and listed on US markets.
And I can’t see that changing any time soon.
Boomers & Busters 
AI and AI-related stocks moving and shaking up the markets this week. (All performance data below over the rolling week). [Figures correct at time of writing.]
- Zeta Global Holdings (NYSE:ZETA) up 24%
- Lantern Pharma (NASDAQ:LTRN) up 23%
- Symbotic Inc (NASDAQ:SYM) up 23%
- Wearable Devices (NASDAQ:WLDS) down 9%
- ai (NYSE:BBAI) down 11%
- Quantgate Systems (OTCPK:QGSI) down 46%
From the hive mind 
- AI put to good use! And nice of the Guardian to show a positive story about AI too. AI helping to identify art forgeries is handy. Unless the AI finds AI created forgeries and decides to look after its mates
- On one hand its nice to see a UK company raising big money at a big valuation from big tech heavy hitters. On the other hand, all private, all out of bounds for regular investors who want to invest in these opportunities. Anyway, it’s still something good for the UK AI industry.
- I’ve seen some of the real images from the Met Gala this week and I thought they were AI generated. Nope. Just really weird outfits. And then there were really weird AI-generated images from the Met Gala that looked like were meant to be there. The funny thing about all this though is our Weirdest AI image of the day section below… see if you can guess, real or fake
Weirdest AI image of the day
Voldemort in drag at the Met Gala – r/Weirddallee
ChatGPT’s random quote of the day
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten
Thanks for reading, see you next time!
Sam Volkering
Editor-in-Chief, AI Collision
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