In today’s issue:

  • Plenty of warnings about blackouts
  • When did the electricity supply become political?
  • Headline of the year?

As I write this in December, the news is full of predictions of blackouts. That’s true across all the world media I follow each day – the UK, US, Germany and Australia.

Of course, critics of the energy transition have seen this coming for a very long time. But what makes it interesting is how the more recent warnings from credible experts were ignored.

In green energy powerhouse South Australia, the government is hoping to revive some diesel generators to escape blackouts.

The Germans are panicking about the existing Dunkelflaute.

American states are competing for each other’s power supply.

And the UK is reliant on subsea interconnector cables that have a suspicious habit of getting cut.

Europe’s gas supply is dwindling faster than usual, despite Russian gas continuing to flow.

The chances of something going terribly wrong are extremely high.

Perhaps they already have gone wrong by the time you read this.

In which case, here was our warning back in June. You’ll also learn how you could’ve profited from the mess that is our energy policy.

The article is a contender for headline of the year, if you ask me.

In the end, a long-term solution to the energy transition’s failures must be found. And the answer is growing increasingly obvious.

Until next time,

Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom