Another month, another crypto catastrophe. But after so many bitcoin obituaries over the years, what do the latest ones really mean?

And do you remember the beginning of the 2008 financial crisis? It’s quite hard to pinpoint when it was…

Do you start with Lehman Brothers going bust? Or was it the collapse of the two Bear Stearns hedge funds that preceded it? Perhaps it was when US house prices peaked, in 2006? Or when interest rates were increased, popping the housing bubble? Maybe the inflation of the housing bubble in the first place made the bust inevitable?

The answer may matter more than you think. Because history seems to be repeating in the property market…

Guests Rob Marstrand of UK Independent Wealth and Sam Volkering of Exponential Investor join me to untangle this week’s news and what it means for markets… if anything.

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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom