Nigel Farage is on his way to Australia, so I’m joined by his colleague and co-conspirator at UK Independent Wealth, Rob Marstrand. We discuss the Everything Bubble, and how to invest in an age of high prices across the board. Investing is, after all, a game of alternatives. You have to keep your savings somewhere.

Bonds are at least looking interesting. At some point, a financial crisis is likely to begin. And then bonds should rally. But when?

You’ll also discover that even living in Argentina isn’t enough to make Rob enthusiastic about bitcoin. Find out why…

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One strategy for escaping the shrinking of the Everything Bubble is to scalp profits from regular market events. Make your gains and bank them often enough to be out of the market most of the time.

If that’s of interest in this market giving you few other options, click here.

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Nick Hubble
Editor, Fortune & Freedom